We asked for real-world painting pointers—and got hundreds of great tips from our Field Editors. · No More Splashy Paint Can Lids · Preserve a. Pringles cans are perfect for storing your paint rollers. If you plan to reuse your rollers after you've finished. bltadwin.ru › video › how-to-pour-paint-without-making-a-mess. Check list: Paint can forge is drilled with a 3/4 hole. 3/4 pipe is fitted into the center where an imaginary interior can (like wd) will sit. Duct tape is sealing the pipe and the hole. You have an empty can of wd that will sit in the center of the paint can to imprint the space. · Paint can hack is a do it yourself tip that helps keep paint cans clean and functional. This video is part of a series called My Dad Showed Me This. I hope Author: Philly Tom.